TMT 048: Exodus 20:13 (b-c) or 20:14 – 15

dwarf-49807_640In this class we continue our discussion on the commandment “No Adultery” and then move into discussing “No Stealing.”  Below are the relevant verses and varied numbering.

Exodus Ch. 20 (JPS)

13Thou shalt not murder.

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Thou shalt not steal.

Exodus Ch. 20 (NIV)

13“You shall not murder.
14“You shall not commit adultery.
15“You shall not steal.

TMT 047: Exodus 20:13b or 20:14 (No Adultery)

Thou shalt not commit adultery (Nathan confronts David); bronze bas-relief on the door of the Madeleine Place de La Madeleine, Paris. 1837 Baron Henri de Triqueti (1803-1874) Courtesy WikiMedia Commons

Thou shalt not commit adultery (Nathan confronts David); bronze bas-relief on the door of the Madeleine Place de La Madeleine, Paris.
Baron Henri de Triqueti (1803-1874)
Courtesy WikiMedia Commons

Okay so this is where we find problems with verse numbers yet again.  In the Jewish Publication Society version (JPS) this verse is a continuation of 20:13.  However, in the NIV, KJV, and the most popular versions around this verse  of the Ten Commandments (“No Adultery”) is listed as a separate numeric verse, 20:14.

Here is the verse:

Exodus 20:13b or 20:14

לא תנאף׃

“No Adultery” (second person imperative)


“Thou shalt not commit adultery.”

Below I’ve included the outline for the class that day, a rare occurrence:

20:14 no adultery לא תנאף׃

7th commandment 

  1. Adultery defined:
    1. Only with married woman (Rashi)

                                               i.     True to patriarchal society

                                              ii.     Unmarried woman cannot

                                            iii.     Married or unmarried man can

  1. More about this later
  2. Why next after Murder?
    1. Murder will destroy society
    2. Adultery will destroy the family: which will kill society

                                               i.     Family is building block of society

  1. Torah & 10 NOT preoccupied with SEX.
    1. Lust no issue
    2. Premarital sex no issue

                                                                                                     i.     This comes later w/ NT

  1. Whose Responsible:
    1. Both parties
    2. Punishment:

                                               i.     Death (stoning)

  1. 2 eye witnesses (good standing)
  2. had to be warned  immediately prior to act
  3. temple exist
  4. Sanhedrin exist
  5. Compared to Others:
    1. N.E. laws Husband could nullify the offense (not prosecute)

                                               i.     Wife is sole property of Husband

                                              ii.     He has total say on her outcome

                                            iii.     Considered “great  sin” in Gen. (Av/Sar and Avimelech)

  1. NOT in Judaism

                                               i.     Offense to Husband

                                              ii.     Offense to God

                                            iii.     Offense to Society (family, community, religion)

  1. Permission to Adulterate: open marriage
    1. Still Transgression
    2. Still punished
    3. Patriarchy?
      1. Man takes possession of woman (purchase)

                                               i.     Woman wears ring (betrothal)

  1. Children

                                               i.     No doubt who mother is

                                              ii.     If adulterous tremendous doubt who father is

  1. Man could have multiple wives

                                               i.     Generate more family

  1. Patriarchy or Matriarchy or Egalitarian

                                               i.     Patriarchy: unfair to women but good for children

                                              ii.     Matriarchy: no significant existence

                                            iii.     Egalitarian: fair but poor consequence to both sexes & seems not good for children

  1. Male / female different and equal
  2. Men don’t marry.
  3. Men don’t father.
  4. Tremendous divorce.
  5. Male Sexual Nature:
    1. Variety
    2. Can be Meaningless & Masturbatory experience

                                               i.     Versus Female sexual nature:

                                              ii.     Versus Female Relations (social intercourse)

  1. Prefer husband have intimate lunch with female coworker or one night at a massage parlour?
  2. So is it eternally binding? (as defined)
    1. How is it applied today?

                                               i.     Adultery applies to both Husband and Wife TODAY:

  1. Child: Today child belongs to MOTHER.
  2. Marriage: No polygamy allowed ( so man must divorce to get marry another woman)
  3. Social Intercourse: Modern Work-Place

                                              ii.     Adultery is NOT strictly sexual (many passions counter to sanctity of bond)

  1. Work
  2. Sports
  3. Friends
  4. Family
  5. Children


TMT 046: Exodus 20:13 (part 3 – Discussion on Euthanasia, Suicide, and other Difficult End of Life Issues)

alzheimers-63610_640FYI: This audio was featured in Ultimate Issues 027.  Original air date was Nov. 21, 2013 on my Ultimate Issues Podcast.

This was an interesting class (if I can be so bold as to call my own class interesting.)   Due to other events happening in the community we had a small group attend and we were able to simply discuss some important issues.  We had briefly mentioned euthanasia and other variations on killing and/or murder in previous classes (TMT 044 and 045).  So I was determined to open the class up to discussing difficult issues like euthanasia, suicide, and other end of life issues that many of will deal with at one time or another.  I think it is vital we openly discuss these areas of life and how they pertain to the ethical mandates that come from God.  It is my belief that if we don’t think about the big issues in life and then we will have difficulty thinking clearly about the smaller issues in life.


We cover a lot of ground but we didn’t often come up with great solutions.  Often, these scenarios are highly nuanced and require the expertise of a qualified rabbi, priest, minister, or someone of the like who is trained in this area of life/death to help us determine what is RIGHT. 

With out a doubt, it can difficult and confusing for most people to determine what is the right, moral thing to do in these scenarios.

Here are some of the questions and ideas discussed:

Is euthanasia murder?

Is suicide murder?

Is assisted suicide murder?

If someone has a DNR is that a form of suicide?

If someone has a mental illness that “causes” him to kill another person, is he still deemed a murderer?

To what extent, and in what situations are military or police permitted to kill, and when (if ever) does it become murder?

How can we prevent murders?


If you have any thoughts, questions, or arguments you would like to contribute please do so below in the comment area.  Thank you

– See more at:

TMT 045: Exodus 20:13 (6th commandment – part 2)

'The_Murder_of_Rutland_by_Lord_Clifford'_by_Charles_Robert_Leslie,_1815The commandment prohibiting murder needed further discussion, so in the next weeks class we continued discussing Exodus 20:13 “Do Not Murder.”  In this class we largely discuss the question “Why is murder wrong?”

This class was featured in an Ultimate Issues episode (UI 026).

Subjects pertain to:

Q: Why are there explanations and consequences for the first five commandment, but not the second five?

A: The first five largely pertain to the holiness code and relate to the Man – God relationship.  Therefore, you should have the right intent and mindset regarding these commands (ie. God cares about your intent when you are addressing Him.) But, the second five are ethical principles and relate to the Man – Man relationship.  Hence, whether or not you know why you do what you do, and regardless of your intentions, really all that matters is the deed in regards to ethics.  No one cares why you don’t steal, they just care that you don’t.

Rituals done without reasons are largely useless.

Ethics done without reasons are beautiful.

~ Dennis Prager

Q: To whom does “Murder” pertain? (ex. human, animal, plant, bacteria, artificial intelligence, etc.)e

A:  Murder pertains only to humans.  Animals, plants, and any other “beings” cannot be murdered, only killed.  The moral dilemmas with murder pertain only to mankind.  If “murder” refers to other sentient life, then can any distinction be made between the value of human life and other life?  The Torah is clear that only Man was made in the Divine image, and hence should not be defiled or murdered (as it would be a form of desecrating of the Divine image.)

Q: Why is murder wrong?

A: Here are links to Dennis Prager’s articles read in the class:

Why is Murder Wrong? (part 1)

Is Murder Wrong? (progressive dialogue part 2)


Torah Reasons for not Murdering:

  • Human Life is Sacred
    • In and of itself Human life is of supreme value.
      • Taking it necessitates the ultimate consequence (capital punishment).
      • You USURP God’s place when you deliberate take a human life.
      • You are extinguishing God’s image
        • Man vs. Animal (no one murders a cow or flower or bacteria)
        • Genesis 4:10 “the voice of your brother’s bloods cry out from the ground”
          • קול דמי אחיך צעקים אלי מן האדמה
          • The Murderer denies all the lives that would have been created or touched by the one he murders.


– See more at:

TMT 044: Exodus 20:13



So grateful to be back and healthy!  This week we pick up were I left off and it’s just one verse.  Exodus chapter 20 verse 13.  Yep, that is it.  Since it’s such a short simple verse, I figured I would use it to illustrate the difficulty in translation by showing various translations and the original Hebrew.


Exodus 20:13

Original Hebrew, my transliteration, and my translation:

לא תרצח (Lo tirtzach) “(You[sing.]) No murder”

New International Version
“You shall not murder.

King James Bible
“Thou shalt not kill.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
“Do not murder. 

International Standard Version
“You are not to commit murder.

GOD’S WORD® Translation
“Never murder.

TMT 043: Exodus 20:12

415px-Honor_Your_Father_and_Your_MotherI am back!  Sorry for the temporary hiatus.   Moving, construction, illness, and a holiday made last week temporally challenging.  So we are picking up this week.  This week we cover Exodus Chapter 20 verse 12.  Yes, one verse.  But it’s an interesting verse.  Let’s check it out.

Exodus 20:12 (NIV)

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.

Pretty straight forward right?  Yes, and there all kinds of implications and inference we can draw from this.  So thats what we discuss.

Thanks for listening and God willing I’ll continue next week.

And in the meantime… Go Study Torah!

TMT 042: Exodus 20:8 – 20:12


“Sabbath Eve” by Alexander Johnston [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

We are still covering the commandment regarding Shabbat and work in this class.  I go a little more in depth with Cassuto and Heschel commentary.

Then we begin discussing verse 12.  This commandment will be followed up in the next segment of TMT.

Exodus Ch. 20 (NIV):

8“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

12“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

TMT 040: Exodus 20:5 – 20:7

577px-Schnorr_von_Carolsfeld_Bibel_in_Bildern_1860_054Welcome to Torah Means Teacher! Thankfully I pressed “record” this time in class so this is a more normative recording.  We covered Exodus chapter 20 verses 5, 6, and 7.

Exodus 20 (NIV):

5You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

7“You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

TMT 039: Exodus 20:3 – 20:6

sound-144336_640This TMT episode is just me, you, and a microphone.  Sorry, you won’t hear any class participation in this one.

Why?  Well, I did not hit “record” when the class was originally held.  It was my fault and I apologize.

So, what you are going to be listening to is just me in my studio with some books… and a microphone and recorder.

Good news… This is a much shorter class.

The verses covered are as follows:

Exodus 20 (NIV):

2“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

3“You shall have no other gods beforea me.

4“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.5You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

We recap some of these subjects in the following class.

Thanks for listening!

TMT 038: Exodus 20:1 – 20:2

Mesopotamian_cylinder_seal_impressionThis week we cover Exodus ch. 20 verses one and two… Yes, I know we are moving at blazing speed.  But I think you might be surprised by the subjects that come up in this class.  Below are the verses:

Exodus 20 (NIV):

1And God spoke all these words:

2“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

And here’s some info regarding the theories discussed:


And a video for those who prefer listening and watching…
