Below is a list of books I recommend reading. Full disclosure: The links are affiliate links and I will share a small commission if you order through The prices are the same either way, and Amazon’s great service is the same either way… It’s just a way for you to help me. Thank you!
If you have any books you are always recommending, then please share your recommendations below. I love discovering new authors and ideas.
If you have already read some of these books, and would like to place a review please do so in the comment area below.
Thanks again! Now go study…
Biblical Literacy: The Most Important People, Events, and Ideas of the Hebrew
The JPS Torah Commentary: Exodus Hardcover – 1991
Leviticus (Continental Commentary) Hardcover – June 21, 2004
The JPS Torah Commentary: Numbers (English and Hebrew Edition) Hardcover – June 1, 2003
The JPS Torah Commentary: Deuteronomy Hardcover – June 1, 2003
For Rashi Commentary:
For Chassidic Commentary with Rashi and others:
Chumash: The Gutnick Edition – All in one – Synagogue Edition Hardcover – May 18, 2008
Torah Translation into English: The most literal I’ve found…
The Tanya was a truly transformative book for me. I’m grateful to Chabad for introducing me to it.
Lessons in Tanya: The Tanya of R. Shnuer Zalman of Liadi Hardcover – November 1, 1998
by Rabbi Shnuer Zalman of Liadi
Learn American Values, and why they are vital for the betterment of the world.
Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph Paperback – June 25, 2013
Great guides to fixing the moral compass.
A Code of Jewish Ethics: Volume 1: You Shall Be Holy
A Code of Jewish Ethics, Volume 2: Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
A collection of 44 essays from Dennis Prager.
Think a Second Time Paperback – August 30, 1996
THOMAS SOWELL: I cannot overstate the clarity Thomas Sowell seems to bring to any subject he writes about. He has so many books, I just linked to his author page. So read everything you can by Thomas Sowell… you’ll gain wisdom, insight, and clarity. Now who doesn’t want that?
A compilation of Thomas Sowell’s library of work.
The Thomas Sowell Reader Hardcover – October 4, 2011
So glad I read Tony Robbins as young man. Transformative.
Anything from Jim Collins will help you, your business, and your relationships. He provides clarity and directives on how to change and why to change.
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…And Others Don’t
This page isn’t working for me. I can’t see any of the books. Could you write the book titles into the actual page? That way even if the links don’t work we could still see the book titles.
ME NEITHER! And I made the darn thing.
So sorry. I’ll go through it and see if I can fix it and post titles.
Thank you for letting me know!
Okay I’ve rewritten the whole thing. Everything should work now. Please let me know if you have another problems.
Nor can I. None of the links work or are the pages visible.
“Nor I” said the schmuck who actually made the webpage. I apologize and am working on fixing it. Thanks for letting me know!
Okay I’ve rewritten the whole thing. Everything should work now. Please let me know if you have another problems.
Where are you. You are a welcome breath in this chaotic world. I miss your podcasts very much.
Thank you! I’m still here, just slower. I apologize.
I’ve started my Master’s of Theology. I’ve purchased your recommendations by Kass, Fox and Cassuto. I will be buying Sarna’s book next. These authors have provided me with a valuable understanding of the Books of Moses that I otherwise would have never gained. Thank you for what you do!!!
Fantastic Art! I’m truly happy and excited for you! We’d love to have you back in class, so feel free to drop in anytime my friend. God bless!
Hi Dr. Footnick,
I was preparing to do a reading of the book of Isaiah (I know, not Torah :-)), I was curious if you had a recommendation on commentaries or additional books to help offer perspective. Thanks!
I recommend reading Rabbi Heschel’s The Prophets.
It may help with context and general understanding.
Mr Footnick
I would like to extend my gratitude for your Torah classes. One day I would love to travel to Texas to sit in one of your classes. I live in LA.
I would like to ask if the first classes can be accessed please.. somehow the website starts with class 130 and the podcast begins with class 70.
Thank you,
Bahman Mehdizadeh
You’re welcome to study with us anytime. Unfortunately we are not meeting in person. For now they are zoomed and on facebook. Hopefully real classes will reconvene soon. Thank you so much for your support and comment.
Mr, Footnick,
Where have you gone? The last class posted on a podcast app is Aug 31. I can’t express how disappointed I am with this fact.
I am an adult Christian male married to a mostly secular Jewish woman. We have 3 wonderful daughters. I enjoy learning the etymology uncovered in the original Hebrew text of the Bible.
I have been a big fan of Prager’s for at least 20 years. I’ve been listening and following you for 5 years or so. I enjoy listening to your show while following along in Prager’s, “The Rational Bible”, and covering the white space with hand written notes.
I use that information to teach adult Sunday School at my Methodist Church. At least, I used to before houses of worship cowered when the state stepped in to separated people from their congregations.
It is a very sad time, and self-study is my best course of action to maintain and strengthen my relationship with God. I sincerely wish the great resource, which is your class/show, was continuing and available via podcast. It means are great deal to me and to many others (the feather pillow parable).
Please consider the taking up of publishing your classes again, immediately.
Your friend,
I apologize. We put our house on the market and it sold in 9 days… which I’m grateful for, but… our rental was far from ready to move in and it took over two months to close on the property we purchased. So my computer was basically in storage until recently. Hence the hiatus. I am doing classes on Zoom now and can add you to the list (it’s mainly the congregants from the shul.) If you prefer to not get the email (once a week) or attend the zoom, I understand. Just let me know. Thanks so much for you support and God bless you and your family. Shabbat Shalom! – it’s Friday afternoon right now
Hi, I listen to your class when ever it is posted. Can I be added to your zoom?
Honored and humbled by your request. Of course. Shabbat Shalom and Pesach Sameach! No class this Sunday (4.4.21)
I would also love to be added to the zoom class also.
Sure, of course. Adding you to the email list now. Thanks for your interest and please feel free to contribute to the discussions